AUTODRONE 2023 - Day 2

Autodrone 2023 Winner:

Aleksander Nordmo
Edvart Bjerke
Matias Hjelmervik
Lise Trehjørningen

Second Place:

Team USN

Sander H. Johansen
Adrian Knutsen

Third Place:


Njål Almenning
Jari M.A. Inermo

Fourth Place:


Marcus Ilstad
Joakim Sander Løken
Jørgen Rottem

AUTODRONE 2023 - Day 1

Day 1 is finished and the barbeque is  on fire!

The day was filled with surprises, and unfortunately some accidents. One team flipped their seadrone and experienced water intrusion into vital equipment. Another team hit a fishing line and it was coiled around their thruster propeller.

The weather was fantastic, all sun hardly any wind.


AUTODRONE 2023 - Day 0

Day 0 Testing 

Most teams spent the the day at "indrehavn" today (30.05.2023) testing their seadrone while the Autodrone camp was being built.  

All teams are ready  for Day 1 of the competion!

AutoDrone 2023 

MARKOM2 (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), UiT The Arctic University of Norway, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) ) is pleased to invite you to the 3rd Autonomous Sea Drone Championship on the 31st of May and 1st of June 2023 hosted by USN in Horten, Norway. We are thrilled to host and organize the autonomous challenge for the third time in Norway.  


Autonomous Sea Drones

Autonomous robotic vessels or "seadrones" are model vessels that are able to navigate autonomously through the use of advanced sensors and algorithms that control the vessel through electric battery driven propulsion and steering. There is an enormous interest in the futuristic concept of autonomous ships defined as Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship (MASS) by IMO.  For the development of advanced systems and applications in the maritime domain small model vessels may serve as efficient test beds. 

One of the most challenging aspects of seadrones is the ability to operate in adverse weather and various wave conditions while navigating autonomously and avoiding collisions.

​The AutoDrone 2021 will gather professionals and students from all over Norway with common interests in overcoming these challenges.



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